
Sunday, April 18, 2010

The Big Day

The big day finally came for little Doop, and he was able to celebrate his birthday after counting down for what seemed like forever in his little world. The first thing on his celebration agenda was going to buy a new pair of cowboy boots. Doop has been wearing boots from well forever! In fact, he only has one other pair of shoes that he will occasionally wear because they are "Spiderman shoes" as he calls them. They aren't really Spiderman shoes, but they do have Spiderman colors. Hey, whatever works right? Generally when we buy him a pair of boots they last for about a year, which works out great because the timing for the new purchase is set to land on or around his birthday. So, last week I had to work late and so I arranged to meet Doop, the girls and JM at the store. When I arrived he was trying on a pair that looked exactly like the ones he had been wearing, but then we spied this pair and he was hooked.

Here he is trying them on. Apparently I missed out on quite a bit of turmoil over which boots to buy prior to arriving at the store. Judging by the look on JM's face it's probably a good thing that this won't have to happen for yet another year!

I guess the good thing about Doop is that once he has decided he has definitely decided and it was actually tough getting him to take them off and put them back in the box for us to purchase.

Next up was a hunt for new pants. Just like my girls Doop's legs grow much faster than his waist fills out meaning that his old pants would otherwise fit if we were okay with him looking like he was preparing for a flood. Here he is checking himself out in the mirror. Once he was satisfied that he looked good we were finished at the store.

Doop has been asking for about a month now if he could ride his horse. The weather hasn't been that great up until now, and the pastures are still pretty muddy. On top of that the horses aren't shoed, and Doop just can't understand why we can't go to Wal-Mart and buy Rio some new ones so he can ride. Shoes for horses just don't work the same as they do for us, but for Doop's birthday JM took him horseback riding. It was an easy way to make Doop's day!

Doop asked for three things for his birthday. He was very specific about the things that he wanted. First and foremost he asked for a Spiderman bike. Because he followed two girls into this family Doop has enjoyed hand-me-downs. For the most part these hand-me-downs have been pink, or girly in some way. Last summer he rode Lou's old Dora the Explorer bike and until recently he was just fine with that, but he decided for his birthday that he wanted his own Spiderman boy bike. I think he deserved it after all of this time, so thanks to Grandma Rue and Grandpa Marvin his wish came true. He was a little excited to say the least!

In keeping with the Spiderman theme Doop also requested a Spiderman cake. My friend who also made Lou's cake met his demand and created this masterpiece especially for him. He thought it was pretty cool.

Here he is blowing his candles out.

The second gift that Doop was specific about was a guitar. Hold on let me correct myself. He asked for a guitar with a strap. So thanks to another good friend at work he got this beauty for his birthday, and I must say he is actually pretty good at playing it. Doop has been into music forever. He loves it. He is always tapping his toe to the beat, clapping, or dancing right along with it. I kind of chuckle when I think about the fact that I had a good friend in high school who couldn't find the beat to a song to save her life, and little Doop can't stay away from it. Music literally moves him, so this was a perfect gift for him.

His third and final request for a gift (which I don't have a picture of) was a camera. Oh my, a boy after my own heart! He did receive one from JM's family, and I'm sure you will see him using it here in the future. He will also be riding that Spiderman bike in the parade, and who knows maybe he and his guitar will become famous! Even if that doesn't happen I'm still proud to say he's my boy! He looks like a natural right?!


Sharon's New Life said...[Reply to comment]

Sweet photos... it looks like Doop had a wonderful birthday!

Unknown said...[Reply to comment]

Love them boots! and his cake looked pretty cool too!
He is one cool little man!

Lindsey said...[Reply to comment]

What a personality! Happy birthday Doop!

Shan said...[Reply to comment]

That is so fun.. I love when they are specific about what they want and so excited to receive it! Happy Birthday Doop!

Bobbidee said...[Reply to comment]

Love his new boots, wish I had some! It looks like he had a great day! :)

amber_mtmc said...[Reply to comment]

Ooo Happy Birthday, Doop!!

His boots are awesome!!

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